Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)

When doing an infertility evaluation, it is important to assess the uterus to check for irregularities. The uterus is made of soft tissue (like the fallopian tubes), so it cannot be seen on a normal X-ray and specialized imaging tests may need to be performed.

What is an ERA?

An Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) is a procedure done to determine when your uterus is the most receptive to embryo implantation. The ERA only benefits about 1 in 10 patients, and is only beneficial to patients who will have a future frozen embryo transfer (FET). This procedure cannot be done to determine receptivity for a fresh embryo transfer after an IVF cycle.

How long will an ERA take?

An ERA takes an entire cycle, including all medications that would be taken during a transfer cycle. The procedure is performed at the end of the cycle, when the embryo transfer would take place.

How should I prepare for an ERA?

No preparation is required for the procedure itself and it is done under anesthesia.

What happens after the procedure?

The sample taken during the bipsy is sent to an outside lab (Igenomix) to assess the endometrial receptivity of the sample.

After the procedure, you should expect a period in the next 7-10 days. At this time, you may start preparation for a frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle, using the same medications as in the ERA cycle.

What do my results mean?

Pre-receptive: This indicates that at the time the endometrial biopsy was taken, the endometrium was not yet ready to receive a potential embryo and transfer at this time may not be optimal.

Receptive: This indicates that the time the endometrial biopsy was taken was an optimal time to transfer an embryo.

Post-receptive: This indicates that at the time the endometrial biopsy was taken, the endometrium had already reached the stage for optimal embryo transfer and gone past it.

We always take into account your ERA results when we schedule your FET.

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115 East 57th St, Floor 11
Manhattan, NY 10022

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280 North Central Ave, Suite 303
Hartsdale, NY 10530

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300 Garden City Plaza, Suite 220
Garden City, NY 11530

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8:30am – 3:00pm

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(By Appointment Only)

6:45am – 12:00pm

7:30am – 11:30am

Sundays & Holidays – By Appt

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MWF: 7:00am – 9:00am

Generation Next Fertility