Fats obtained from plants and seafood are very beneficial when it comes to a fertility diet. Fish are rich in both iron and protein, which are beneficial to the body in pregnancy. Fatty fish (such as salmon) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and can enhance fertility. The body is unable to create omega-3 fatty acids on its own, so these essential fatty acids must be acquired from dietary sources.
Plant-based fats are also highly beneficial in your fertility journey. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that those who consumed the highest amount of plant-based monounsaturated fats (in the form of avocados) during the IVF cycle were 3.4 times more likely to be successful in conception.
However, fats are not all created equal. We recommend total avoidance of trans fats. Consumption of trans fats can lead to insulin resistance, which can negatively affect ovulation.
Drinking enough water is recognized to be as important as nutritious food choices in the optimization of fertility. Fluids play a key role in transporting hormones, developing follicles, and thinning out biological fluids. Inversely, caffeine, and alcohol act as diuretics and can be dehydrating. The use of these substances may prevent mucus membranes from staying moist, consequently affecting the consistency of cervical mucus and ejaculate fluid.
At Generation Next Fertility, we recommend sticking to drinking one cup of coffee per day. Research has also drawn a connection between a high intake of caffeine and an increased chance of miscarriage. We recommend that caffeine intake should be limited to under 200 milligrams a day (the equivalent of 10 oz. regular coffee) if pregnant or hoping to become pregnant.
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115 East 57th St, Floor 11
Manhattan, NY 10022
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280 North Central Ave, Suite 303
Hartsdale, NY 10530
Long Island Location
300 Garden City Plaza, Suite 220
Garden City, NY 11530
7:00am – 5:00pm
8:30am – 3:00pm
Sundays & Holiday Hours
By Appointment only
(By Appointment Only)
6:45am – 12:00pm
7:30am – 11:30am
Sundays & Holidays – By Appt
Westchester Location
MWF: 7:00am – 9:00am