PRP: A Cutting Edge Study with Dr. Jesse Hade

We sat down with PRP & DOR Expert, Dr. Jesse Hade to discuss his upcoming revolutionary clinical trial in reproductive medicine...

What is PRP?

“So PRP is an adjuvant therapy to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). It’s – maybe revolutionary – essentially an experimental therapy that tries to improve the quantities of follicles and eggs that may be retrieved during a single IVF Cycle and in addition to that, may also improve quality.”

What are the potential benefits of PRP?

“Some of the potential benefits of PRP is that it may improve not only the quantity of the number of follicles and eggs that are retrieved during an IVF cycle, but also may improve the quality of the eggs, embryos formed, as well as maybe chromosomal normalcy within an embryo.”

What specific conditions or fertility issues can PRP potentially help?

“PRP is thought to be beneficial for women with low ovarian reserve, however it may be applied to other areas of women who have, not only poor reserve, but also poor response to medical therapy.”

Can you tell us more about the clinical trial?

“Sure! So at Generation Next Fertility, we’ll be doing a PRP – or Platelet Rich Plasma Ovarian Injection – versus placebo controlled trial. This will be the first of its kind looking at PRP versus placebo and its impact on IVF.”

What is the goal of the upcoming clinical trial?

“The objective of the clinical trials is to demonstrate if PRP truly adds advantage to IVF and if so, how does it improve it? Does it improve it just by the number of eggs, embryo that’s formed? Blastocyst rate? Or even chromosomally normal embryos that formed?”

What are some of the expected outcomes or goals of this trial?

“The goal of the trial is to identify if PRP has advantage over a placebo alone – and if it is, this should be the gold standard on how to improve outcomes for women undergoing In Vitro Fertilization.”

What's the procedure like for the clinical trial?

“So the procedure is similar to that of an egg retrieval but instead of decompressing and aspirating out the fluid within the cyst of the follicles, what we’re doing is we’re injecting either placebo (which is just serum) vs Platelet Rich Plasma (or PRP Therapy) directly into the solid component of the ovaries to see if it improves follicular-genesis and egg retrieval success rates in subsequent cycles.”

Are there any risks associated with the trial?

“Safety will always be addressed – similar to that of any clinical trial – where routine, review following all retrievals to determine if there’s an advantage or disadvantage and if there’s complications that are occurring in either arm of the study.”

Can you tell us more about who's eligible?

“Sure, so this is for women aged 35 to 42 with diminished ovarian reserve, have low AMH under 1.1, with 7 or fewer antral follicles, an advanced maternal age or prior poor ovarian response to medications where only 3 or fewer follicles or eggs were retrieved.”

Are there any preliminary findings?

“In our preliminary data, we’ve examined 22 patients who have gone through IVF and PRP and we looked at women who have gone through 3 consecutive IVF cycles with 2 PRPs prior to the second and third IVF cycle. What we’ve identified in these individuals that – which was amazing and really is what’s driving our study – is that we found that the chromosomal normalcy rate in blastocyst went from 5% in the first cycle (prior to starting PRP) going to 10% and then eventually 15% with each subsequent additional PRP therapy.”

“So what that means is you can triple the probability of you having a chromosomally normal embryo to have future transfer and implantation for a higher chance of pregnancy.”

Great! Thank you so much for your time and explaining all this, Dr. Hade!

“Yes! You’re very welcome! We’re really excited about this study, it’s the first of it’s kind being done: double blinded, placebo-controlled, gold standard in medical studies… And that’s why I’m very excited for anyone who wants to participate, please contact me and make an appointment with Dr. Hade here at Generation Next Fertility here in lovely New York City. We look forward from hearing from you, take care!”

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